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Rumors. Nuovo tablet 10 pollici da Google

Secondo rumors della Rete, Google ha in programma di lanciare un tablet da 10 pollici.
Il punto di forza di questa nuova tavoletta sarà la densità di pixel nel display, che dovrebbe essere superiore a quella del concorrente iPad. Il display, molto probabilmente, avrà una risoluzione record da 2560×1600 pixel, con una densità per pollice di 299 pixel. Secondo i ben informati, poi, il nuovo device di Google sarà prodotto insieme a Samsung, per diventare parte del programma Nexus. Non ancora si riesce a ipotizzare la fascia di prezzo in cui ricadrà la nuova tavoletta, ma si posizionerà certamente in uno scaglione concorrenziale rispetto all’iPad.

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4 commenti to "Rumors. Nuovo tablet 10 pollici da Google"

  1. Luciana ha detto:


  2. Dia ha detto:

    Ma dai, pensa che bello!

  3. Meka ha detto:

    I”m getting anoyned with google. The only reason I jumped on smart phone first time in years was email. So I got myself an EVO 4G, signed up with google hosted email ($50 / year for my own domain) and everything seemed ok. Until Froyo. Now, my phone does not keep any email. As soon it arrives, they get deleted, sometimes even before I get to open them. Don’t jump to conclusions yet. I checked all my desktop clients (outlook on laptop, desktop). I check phone configuration. I check google email account config. They are all setup to leave emails on the server. Called HTC. They told me that the email client on EVO is meant to sync with the pop server. What is deleted there, gets’ deleted on the phone. Idiots, dictating to me what should be a feature. Anyways, if only that was the case. No email is held on my phone. Called Sprint. Yeah, an open conversation since August now. They have no idea why my phone behaves like that. Is it google? Do they have a nefarious scheme to force me use the gmail client on the phone? That is one slow peace of garbage. Slow to find what you need, refreshing constantly and not being able to connect. So what do I do? I get a two year contract just to be able to pull email to my phone and that’s exactly what I don’t have. Checking the HTC/Sprint websites, there are many complaints like this. As soon as I have a strong reason (new phone, new service?) I dump google as my paid email service. I’ll go yahoo or something. I will be open to ditch Sprint also. Unhappy.

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